luni, 12 noiembrie 2012

TumblRipper - Scrape All Photos From Tumblr Blog 4 Your Instagram, Tumblr, Pinterest

Features :
Automatically download all photos from a given TumblR blog.
Preview pictures as they are downloaded.
Will try to retrieve the 1280p photo, else 500,400, 300 or the 250.
Only photos you don't already have yet will be downloaded.
As light as possible on the tumblR servers (in fact it will cause less load than a normal visitor).
Will keep a small text file in the saved directory with the blog url to easily update.
Keep the original dates from the original upload !
That's it !
Requirements : Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0



joi, 1 noiembrie 2012

InstaGet v1.1 Instagram Bot

Its a very simple bot, but very effective. It also applies with the current Instagram settings. So once it reaches the limit the bot will pause for an hour then start again.


- Multithreaded
- Like/Comment/Unlike
- Follow/Unfollow
- Search Tags by age
- And many many more!

